City Exam in Georgia, Rustavi:
List of Common Mistakes and Important Points where many students fail

We provide our clients with a comprehensive textual and video guide about most common mistakes which lead to fails in the exams.

Not knowing them will most probably lead to a direct failure.

Even many Georgians fail this exam many times because there is almost no public available information about what is counted as small and big mistakes.
Tricky questions from the Theory exam
bad translations and specific Georgian rules make it hard to pass for foreigners
Instant Fails
We have a collection of videos explaining moments where students usually fail, to make sure you dont!
Specifically in Rustavi:

  • When starting the exam - indicate the left turn and then after you get out of the gate - blink right when entering the roundabout.

  • In the very beginning - don't get into the blocked street where only taxis are allowed (small street, first turn right - after you start - DON'T GO THERE!!!). You have to follow the roundabout and move out to the right afterwards going down to the city. Check this moment before starting your exam! Many fail right there on the spot.

  • remember to keep up the highway speed when you are on the highway part and only slow down right before the turn. Going too slow will result in penalty points.

  • When passing by an unregulated pedestrain crossing - slow down a bit - don't pass it with the maximum allowed speed. E.g. 40-50 is allowed - slow down to 30 and turn your head around to show that you've noticed the crossing. Especially if it's covered by another car.

  • Speed Limit on the highway:
In Rustavi some highways allow you to go by 90kmh. It is ONLY valid for regular drivers. As you are still considered a student - you can only go with max of 80 kmh. So on 90 highways, you are allowed to go 70-80. Our suggestion - 75;

  • Counterintuitive: Left blinking when entering the Highway!
This one was new for me but it's a thing here in Rustavi:
There are couple of Highway entrances where you have to stop or slow down before you can enter. (the ones without a special line where you can speed up easily).

When you stop there - you need to turn on the LEFT TURN INDICATOR - even though you are turning right! It sounds irrational at first, but the reason is that the cars coming from the left know that you are entering the highway and notice you early enough to not crash into you (e.g. at night).

You don't even need to blink right when you start moving. It's not a mistake. Just remember to switch off the left indicator again.

  • Here you can find an example of Video Guides we are providing for all the challenging moments where students fail usually

We have many more guides, videos, and a proven preparation process that already helped over 50 clients get their driving licenses.

Do you want to get Georgian driving license as fast as possible? Then we suggest to use professional support.

Let's check if you are eligible first: